Air Nostrum Strike - Contact Serviberia 901 111 500
Iberia subsidiary
Spanish airline strike
Based in Barcelona, Valencia and Madrid.
Air Nostrum Pilot Strike
Monday 26 November, 2018 Strike in full force today. Ministry of Development - 100% of flights with islands, 28% between Spanish cities where the alternative is less that five hours and 42% for those longer that five hours to foreign cities.
Meetings between management and pilot union SEPLA tomorrow.
Sunday 25 November, 2018 Tomorrow second day of pilot strike. 50 flights likely to be cancelled. Bases in Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia. Air Nostrum pilot's will strike again on Friday 30 November, 2018.
Heads Up, Iberia Airlines baggage handler strike out of Gando Airport/Gran Canaria Airport/ Las Palmas March 2016. Several dates are planned www.easytravelreport.com Be prepared, call Air Nostrum to see if it effect you.
Strikes from 2013
10 May 2013 Air Nostrum pilots
(SEPLA pilots union) have been told by Air Nostrum management they have one week to take deal offer. Pilots not likely to agree to a 25% pay cut. Last strike Air Nostrum didn't keep website up to date.
Air Nostrum Pilot Strike